the prime directive : rules & protocol

hiya! my name is ganymede, most people just call me gany! i'm 26, and i use he/they pronouns (friends can use she/her). i'm chinese-canadian, i can communicate in both english or chinese if you want. i operate under the eastern standard timezone, so i'm usually around when most people are around. i have adhd (i will hammer this in) so i'm a little all over the place. you can ask for my discord, but i'm very chaotic so ask upon your own discretion.

content warnings.

portrayal notes.

basic expectations.

i write at my own pace. i'm okay with reminders every now and then since tumblr's notification system functions 50% of the time. please do not immediately follow up after i tell you i have your reply saved in my drafts. if i haven't gotten back to you in two weeks you're allowed to check in.i thrive off of both plotted threads and spontaneous threads. that being said, i do best when i've at least spoken to the other writer about a vague direction we might wanna head. ** you're always allowed to DM me to plot or share random thoughts you have about our characters!**

**D.O.B. : ** november 23rd, 2343.
**PRONOUNS : ** she / they.
SEXUALITY : lesbian.
**SPECIES : ** bajoran.
BIRTHPLACE : dahkur province, bajor.
HEIGHT : 172cm / 5'8"
FACECLAIM : nana visitor.

**RANK(S) : **
major, bajoran militia (2369 — 2375)
colonel, bajoran militia (2375 — 2381)
commander, starfleet (2375 — 2381)
captain, starfleet (2381 — )

**D.O.B. : ** november 23rd, 2343.
**PRONOUNS : ** she / they.
SEXUALITY : lesbian.
**SPECIES : ** bajoran.
BIRTHPLACE : dahkur province, bajor.
HEIGHT : 172cm / 5'8"
FACECLAIM : nana visitor.

— 2356, first joined the shakaar underground resistance as a resistance fighter
— 2369, joined the bajoran militia and was given the rank "major"
— 2369, stationed on deep space nine as the bajoran liaison officer
— 2375, promoted to colonel
— 2375, commissioned the rank of "commander" by captain benjamin sisko
— 2375, took over as commanding officer of deep space nine
— 2381, given the rank of "captain" by starfleet when bajor entered the federation & the bajoran militia was absorbed by starfleet


**KIRA TABAN, **father
— deceased (2312 to 2365).
**KIRA MERU, **mother
— deceased (2314 to 2353).
**KIRA REON, **brother
— deceased (2346 to 2367).
**KIRA POHL, **brother
— deceased (2346 to 2366).
**TORA ZIYAL, ** surrogate daughter
— deceased (2353 to 2374).
— alive (born 2372 ).

**RANK(S) : **
major, bajoran militia (2369 — 2375)
colonel, bajoran militia (2375 — 2381)
commander, starfleet (2375 — 2381)
captain, starfleet (2381 — )

grankite order of tactics, received in 2381, for aiding the cardassians in driving out the dominion forces from cardassia prime, which quickly led to the end of the dominion war in 2375.
christopher pike medal of honor, received in 2381.

psychological profile.

mbti : esfj — the consul
alignment : chaotic good
temperament : choleric

personality traits: stubborn, loyal, kind, compassionate, quick to anger, impulsive, blunt, emotionally expressive.